Sunday, April 14, 2024

UGC NET Second Paper (Philosophy) December 2004


UGC NET Second Paper (Philosophy) December 2004


UGC NET Second Paper - Philosophy

1. Rta stands for:

(A) Duty

(B) Dharma

(C) Cosmic order

(D) Causal relation

Correct Answer is C

2. "Fire is cold, because it is a substance" is an example of the fallacy called:

(A) Asiddha

(B) Viruddha

(C) Savyabhichāra

(D) Bādhita

Correct Answer is D

3. Which of the following pairs is coherent?

(A) Sunyavada - Yõgachara

(B) Vivartaváda - Vaibhāsika

(C) Bahya-Pratyaksa-vāda - Madhyamika

(D) Bahyānumēyavāda - Sautrāntika

Correct Answer is D

4. In Ramanuja's Philosophy all the following propositions are true EXCEPT:

(A) Jiva is not free

(C) Every Jiva depends on God

(B) God rules every Jiva from within

(D) Every Jiva is organically related to God

Correct Answer is D

5. The theory of perceptual error, according to Kumarila is:

(A) Akhyati

(B) Viparita Khyati

(C) Anyatha Khayati

(D) Anirvachanīya Khyāti

Correct Answer is B

6. The doctrine of Pratitya Samutpāda means that:

(A) the effect does not pre-exist in the cause

(B) the effect pre-exists in the cause

(C) the effect is an appearance only

(D) the effect necessarily depends upon the cause

Correct Answer is D

7. Pratitya Samutpāda is the thesis that:

(A) the existence of everything is momentary

(B) the existence of everything is questionable

(C) the existence of everything is pre-determined

(D) the existence of everything is conditional

Correct Answer is C

8. Jainism classifies Paroksa knowledge into:

(A) Mati and Shruta

(B) Avadhi and Mati

(C) Mati and Kevala

(D) Avadhi and Kēvala

Correct Answer is A

9. Charvaka epistemology entertains:

(A) Anumana only

(B) Pratyaksa only

(C) Pratyaksa and Anumâna

(D) Sabda only

Correct Answer is B

10. The Vaisesika Postulates Akas'a as the:

(A) Condition of movement

(B) Substratum of light

(C) Substratum of sound

(D) Substratum of colour

Correct Answer is C

11. According to Nyaya, there are three kinds of alaukika perception viz., Sámányalaksana, Iñanalaksan and:

(A) Yogaja

(B) Manasa

(C) Avadhi

(D) Ghranaja

Correct Answer is A

12. The jivätman in the deep sleep is called:

(A) Visva

(B) Virat

(C) Taijasa

(D) Prajña

Correct Answer is D

13. Nyaya accepts:

(A) Svatah-Pramanya regarding both Prama and apramā

(B) Prataha Pramanya regarding both Prama and apramá

(C) Svatah Pramanya regarding Pramă but Pratah-Pramanya regarding aprama

(D) Pratah-pramanya regarding Prama but Svatah-Prämánya regarding apramā

Correct Answer is B

14. The second Arya-Satya, taught by Buddha relates to:

(A) the existence of suffering

(B) the cessation of suffering

(C) the cause of suffering

(D) none of the above

Correct Answer is C

15. In Sankarâs Advaita all the propositions are false EXCEPT:

(A) Karmayoga is the principal means to Jivanmukti

(B) Jñānayoga is the principal means to Vidēhamukti

(C) Karmayoga is the principal means to Videhamukti

(D) Jñanayoga is the principal means to Jivanmukti

Correct Answer is D

16. In which stage of Astängayoga, the distinction between the knower, the known and the knowledge disappears?

(A) Samprajñāta Samādhi

(B) Asamprajñāta Samādhi

(C) Sananda Samadhi

(D) Sasmita Samadhi

Correct Answer is B

17. Which one of the following is not a Sämkhya argument for the existence of Prakriti?

(A) Bhedänäm Parimanat

(B) Samanvayat

(C) Karana Karya Vibhāgāt

(D) Bhoktrbhāvāt

Correct Answer is B

18. "The hill has fire because it is Knowable" is an example of the fallacy known as:

(A) Satpratipaksa

(B) Asiddha

(C) Badhita

(D) Savyabhichara

Correct Answer is D

19. Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List - I

List - II

(a) Ishvarakrsna

(i) Viveka - Chúdamani

(b) Kanada

(ii) Sämkhya Karika

(c) Samkara

(iii) Sri,bhashya

(d) Ramanuja

(iv) Vaiśesika-Sūtras


    (a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(B) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

(D) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)

Correct Answer is D

20. The watch-word for universal religion, according to Vivekananda, is:

(A) tolerance

(B) acceptance

(C) compassion

(D) faith in man

Correct Answer is A

21. According to Tagore, religion consists in:

(A) Man's capacity of self-transcendence

(B) Man's capacity of self-awareness

(C) Man's capacity of self-sacrifice

(D) Man's capacity of self-realisation

Correct Answer is B

22. According to Iqbal, the cosmological argument for the existence of God is inadequate because it is inconsistent with:

(A) the Causal law

(B) the Cosmic law

(C) the Moral law

(D) the Teleological law

Correct Answer is D

23. According to Aurobindo, the ascent from mind to supermind takes place through the following intermediary steps:

(A) Illumined Mind, Overmind, Intuition

(B) Higher Mind, Illumined Mind, Intuition, Overmind

(C) Intuition, Overmind, Illumined Mind

(D) Illumined Mind, Higher Mind, Intuition, Overmind

Correct Answer is B

24. According to K. C. Bhattacharya there are:

(A) Six grades of theoretic consciousness

(B) Five grades of theoretic consciousness

(C) Four grades of theoretic consciousness

(D) Three grades of theoretic consciousness

Correct Answer is C

25. Intellectual cognition, according to Radhakrishnan, is knowledge obtained by:

(A) analysis and abstraction

(B) synthesis and abstraction

(C) analysis and synthesis

(D) imagination and sensation.

Correct Answer is C

26. According to Hegel the history of the world is:

(A) spiritual progress

(B) material progress

(C) moral progress

(D) natural progress

Correct Answer is A

27. Who among the following has said that space has its basis in the subjective constitution of the human mind?

(A) Locke

(B) Leibnitz

(C) Kant

(D) Newton

Correct Answer is C

28. Which one of the following is an analytic statement according to kant?

(A) A rainy day is a cold day

(B) A rainy day is a wet day

(C) A rainy day is a day which makes green grass

(D) A rainy day is a gloomy day

Correct Answer is A

29. What is known as 'Hume's fork' is the distinction between:

(A) impressions and ideas

(B) relations of ideas and matters of fact

(C) reason and passions

(D) the self and the world

Correct Answer is B

30. Which one of the following statements is not implied by Berkeley's view that 'to be is to be perceived'?

(A) Ideas can exist only as long as they are being perceived

(B) Qualities cannot exist independently of the perceiving mind

(C) Objects cannot exist when they are not perceived by any mind

(D) Objects cannot exist when they are not perceived by human beings

Correct Answer is B

31. Which are of the following is the correct definition of secondary qualities, according to Locke?

(A) Secondary qualities are nothing in the objects themselves but power to produce sensations in us by their primary qualities.

(B) Secondary qualities are those which are imposed on the external objects by human mind.

(C) Secondary qualities are those that vary according to variation in condition of perception.

(D) Secondary qualities are those whose ideas are not exact resemblances of qualities of objects.

Correct Answer is A

32. According to Leibnitz monads are:

(A) dependent on external agencies

(B) internally self-sufficient

(C) interdependent

(D) independent

Correct Answer is B

33. According to Spinoza the number of substances can be:

(A) One only

(B) Two only

(C) Three only

(D) Four only

Correct Answer is A

34. Descartes distinguished between three kinds of ideas. The one he did not identify is:

(A) Innate ideas

(B) Complex ideas

(C) Fictitious ideas

(D) Adventitious ideas

Correct Answer is B

35. Which one of the following is the most appropriate description of Aristotle's God?

(A) pure form and perfect actuality

(B) pure matter and perfect actuality

(C) pure form and pure potentiality

(D) pure matter and pure potentiality

Correct Answer is A

36. Which one of the following is not the view of St. Augustine?

(A) The only knowledge worth having is knowledge of God

(B) Reason is opposed to faith and irrelevant to it

(C) Logic, metaphysis and ethics are valuable only if they contribute to the knowledge of God

(D) My knowledge that I exist is an indubitable certainty

Correct Answer is C

37. In which of his dialogues has Plato propounded his theory of knowledge as recollection?

(A) The Laws

(B) The Republic

(C) lon

(D) Meno

Correct Answer is D

38. Which one of the following causes does not belong to Aristotle's philosophy?

(A) Necessary

(B) Formal

(C) Material

(D) Efficient

Correct Answer is A

39. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List I

List II

(a) Aristotle

(i) Transcendental unity of apperception

(b) Spinoza

(ii) Pre-established harmony

(c) Leibnitz

(iii) Unmoved mover

(d) Kant

(iv) Intellectual love of God


    (a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(B) (ii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(D) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

Correct Answer is B

40. That human being has been cast in a world beyond his willing is the thesis propounded by:

(A) Nietzsche

(B) Husserl

(C) Sartre

(D) Heidegger

Correct Answer is D

41. Husserl's transcendental-phenomenological reduction is aimed at discovering

(A) empirical ego

(B) phenomenological ego

(C) intersubjective ego

(D) transcendental ego

Correct Answer is D

42. According to Wittgenstein, the primitive elements out of which the world is constituted are:

(A) objects

(B) facts

(C) states of affairs

(D) forms of objects

Correct Answer is C

43. Russell's refutation of idealism was directed against:

(A) Causal relations

(B) internal relations

(C) external relations

(D) conceptual relations

Correct Answer is B

44. Moore's refutation of idealism was directed against:

(A) Transcendental Idealism

(B) Absolute Idealism

(C) Subjective Idealism

(D) Both (A) and (B)

Correct Answer is D

45. Nietzsche's will-to-power is basically a drive towards:

(A) preservation

(B) destruction

(C) transformation

(D) creation

Correct Answer is C

46. According to Nyaya - Vaishesika, Karya is the pratiyogim of:

(A) Anyonyābhāva

(B) Atyantābhāva

(C) Pragabhāva

(D) Pradhvamsābhāva

Correct Answer is C

47. According to Krishnamurti, the reason for the emergence of the self is:

(A) psychological

(B) biological

(C) teleological

(D) social

Correct Answer is A

48. Satyagraha, in the eyes of Gandhi, is a method of:

(A) conversion

(B) coercion

(C) both conversion and coercion

(D) neither conversion nor coercion

Correct Answer is A

49. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) AmbedkarAnihilation of caste

(B) K. C. Bhattacharyya The subject as freedom

(C) TagoreSadhana

(D) IqbalIntegral yoga

Correct Answer is D

50. According to Samkhya, the third evolute of prakrti is:

(A) Mahat

(B) Manas

(C) Tan-matras

(D) Ahankara

Correct Answer is D


UGC NET General Paper-1 June 2005

 UGC NET General Paper-1 June 2005

UGC NET General Paper - 1 June 2005

1. The president of India is elected by an electoral college which consist of:
(A) Member of the Lok Sabha
(B) Member of the Raiya Sabha
(C) All members of the both houses of Parliament
(D) Elected members of both houses of parliament and the legislative Assemblies of the states
Correct Answer is D

2. The president of India is elected by:
(A) An Indirect election
(B) A direct election
(C) Both by indirect and direct election
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is A

3. System adopted for the election of the President of India as.
(A) Multi Transferable vote system
(B) Single Transferable vote system
(C) Single vote system
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is B

4. The minimum age limit for a person be elected as the president of India as:
(A) 30 years
(B) 25 years
(C) 35 years
(D) 40 years
Correct Answer is C

5. In the voting system in Presidential election. Votes of the different states of the Indian Union are
(A) equally imported
(B) different
(C) More important in the case of larger states
(D) less important in the case of smaller states
Correct Answer is A
Directions (Q. 6 to 10) Study carefully the table given below and answer the question asked hereunder.
In this table number of six types of toys manufactured by 2 company have been inhered against the respective years of manufacture

6. During which of the following years, production of D types of toys was approximately equal to the average production?
(A) 1989
(B) 1990
(C) 1988
(D) 1985
Correct Answer is A

7. Production of A type of toys in 1984 was approximately what percent of the total combined production of A type of toys during the years 1987 and 1988?
(A) 75
(B) 40
(C) 60
(D) 48
Correct Answer is B

8. What was the difference in the total combined production of D and E type of toys in the year 1987 and that of C and D type of toys in the year 1990?
(A) 1000
(B) 1000000
(C) 10000
(D) 20000
Correct Answer is C

9. During which of the following years percentage of total combined production of F type toys w.r.t the total combined production of all type of toys was at the lowest level?
(A) 1987
(B) 1986
(C) 1989
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is D

10. What percent of production of C types of toys approximately declined in 1987 in compares to the year 1986?
(A) 30
(B) 25
(C) 35
(D) 21
Correct Answer is D

11. In the following context, which of the following principle is not different from belief?
(A) Preceding-Succeeding relation
(B) Acceptability
(C) Authenticity
(D) Orientation
Correct Answer is B

12. Normally, a thorough research consists of four stages which have been appended below:
1. Preparing scheme of observation
2. Interpreting the Conclusion drawn
3. Determining the Objective
4. Analysing the observations obtained for the above stages, state which of the following option is correct?

(A) 3, 1, 4 and 2
(B) 1, 4, 3 and 2
(C) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(D) 3, 4, 1 and 2
Correct Answer is A

13. Listening to the lecture delivered by the features in the classroom is
(A) Informative audition
(B) Assessed audition
(C) Added audition
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is A

14. For conducing study relaxing to the family size and per capital income in our country, a researcher divides the whole population of the region into different income groups and then takes random samples from each of the groups. The technique used by him for the sample collection is called:
(A) random sampling
(B) levelled random sampling
(C) group sampling
(D) patterned sampling
Correct Answer is B

15. In a classroom ideal situations is that in which:
1. The lecturer delivers his lecture with full confidence as lie prepares himself for the lecture before coming as the classroom.
2. Students come in the classroom with full preparedness and discuss with each other on the object in the presence of the lecturer.
3. Lecturer and the students discuss on the subject
4. While delivering the lecture. The lecturer uses audio-visual means.

(A) 1 and 3
(B) 2 and 4
(C) Only 2
(D) Only 4
Correct Answer is A

16. In order to understand its student a lecture should he which of the following?
(A) Child Psychology
(B) Indication towards understanding the children
(C) Opinion of the students towards the subject matter
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer is D

17. A researcher who adopts statistical methodology or drawing a conclusion should be properly interested in knowing which of the following facts?
(A) Whether data can be obtained as pcl
(B) Whether adequate methodologies are available or not
(C) Weather the analysis of data is possible or not
(D) Whether suitable conclusion can be drawn
Correct Answer is A

18. Whole class absents during your coaching period then what will be the most suitable solution of this situation?
(A) Inflicting punishment on some pistons students
(B) Inflicting punishment on which class
(C) Giving a warning to the student leaders
(D) Finding out the reason behind the act of student
Correct Answer is D

19. Which of the following are the general of a scientific research?
(A) Observation, verification, hypothesizing, theorizing
(B) Experiment, observations, verification, hypothesizing
(C) Observation, hypothesizing, experiments, theorizing
(D) theorizing, Observation, experiments, hypothesizing
Correct Answer is C

20. If in a group of students some weak as well as some intelligent students are included taen which of the following practices is considered a better way for imparting education to each of the students?
1. Keeping the standard of teaching high so that weak students also work hard to attain the level of intelligent students
2. Keeping the standard of teaching at a low level so that each student of the class may understand the subject matter being explains by the teacher
3. Keeping the students of teaching at a medium level so that the intelligent students may maintain their interest in attending the classes.
4. Arranging additional classes for the week students

(A) 1 and 4
(B) 2 and 4
(C) 3 and 4
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is C

21. My wnst watch becomes 30 minutes lost in a day. If on a particular day it is standing context inoue in 6 o’clock in the housing. What time will it show at 10 o’clock in the evening on that very day?
(A) 10.22 pm
(B) 10.15 pm
(C) 10.30 pm
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is D

22. If in a certain code language. BLOOD is written as 24113 and BURST is written as 20678 then how will ROBUST be written in that code language?
(A) 612078
(B) 610287
(C) 342058
(D) R20261
Correct Answer is A

23. Which of the following fact of factors does not disturb the status of concentration?
(A) Transposition Evaluation Concentration
(B) Evaluation Concentration illustration
(C) Evaluation Concentration-Exaggeration
(D) Concentration illustration – Exaggeration
Correct Answer is D

24. A good teacher should have which of the following features?
(A) Should be very intelligent
(B) Should level a simple life
(C) Should be well observed in the subject matter
(D) Should have real affection for his students
Correct Answer is D

25. In the process of establishing communication between the ______ newspapers feedback is received from
(A) Articles
(B) Editorials
(C) Letters to the editors
(D) Newspapers
Correct Answer is C

26. For effective communication, which of the following should be given priority?
(A) Selection of the means of communication
(B) planning of the evaluation process
(C) Objectives of the communication
(D) Identification of the various means of communication
Correct Answer is A

27. Which one of the following is not included in the process of teaching?
(A) Instruction
(B) Stipulation
(C) Training
(D) Change in values
Correct Answer is A

28. Which of the following fields has been given major stress in the national education policy?
(A) Examination and evaluation
(B) Professionalism
(C) Research
(D) Instruction
Correct Answer is B

29. Which of the clock none supports the process of scientific development?
(A) Realistic education
(B) Ideasinc education
(C) Naurahsqe education
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is A

30. Which of the following statements is not correct in respect of pragmatism?
(A) Pragmatism does not accept a definite and eternal ‘truth’ or doctrine”
(B) According in “Pragmatism” truth is made
(C) Pragmatism great supporters of specialism
(D) Pragmatism lays more stress on action than on thought
Correct Answer is C

31. The practical process of imparting education is:
(A) very credible authentic and regular
(B) not flexible
(C) credible but not regular
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is A

32. In the following question a statement is followed by two conclusions. Taking the statement to be true. Decide which of the given conclusions definitely follows from the given statements.
Statements: illiteracy in India is the root cause of slow pace of economic development
I. Development is directly related with illiteracy.
II. Pace of economic development in India is show

(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Both I and II follows
(D) Neither I nor II follows
Correct Answer is B

33. Read the following statement carefully: If a person has studied in foreign language. He is definitely not a patriot.
(A) This is a correct statement
(B) This statement is a suggestion
(C) This is wrong statements
(D) This is a biased statement
Correct Answer is D

34. While establishing communication one should keep in mind
(A) The mental condition of the person who communicates
(B) The economic condition of the person who communicates
(C) Psychophysical condition of the person who communicates
(D) Physical condition of the person who communicates
Correct Answer is C

35. Which of the following agencies as concerned with education and culture?
Correct Answer is A

36. Which of the following attributes is not required for a proposition to be true?
(A) This should be a true statement
(B) This should be act at variance with commonly knows facts
(C) This should be very appropriate
(D) This should be with being examined
Correct Answer is D
Directions (Q. 37 to 38): In each questions below are given two statements followed by two conclusion marked I and II. These conclusions are taken to be drawn on the basis of the given statements. Study the given statements and the conclusions drawn carefully and desire your answer.

37. Statements:
All carts are guns
All guns are beds
I. All carts are beds
II. All beds are carts

(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Both conclusions I & II follow
(D) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II
Correct Answer is C

38. Statements:
All apples are bananas
All bananas are sweets
I. some apples are sweets
II. some bananas are apples

(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Both conclusions I and II follow
(D) neither conclusions I conclusion II follows
Correct Answer is C

39. Which of the following sports activities was organized in India in 1982?
(A) Olympic Games
(B) common wealth games
(C) Again Games
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is C

40. The acronym INSAT stands for:
(A) India Satellite
(B) Indian National Satellite
(C) Indian National Satellite training
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is B

41. CSIR is related with
(A) Agricultural research
(B) Industrial research
(C) Defence research organisation
(D) Road research
Correct Answer is B

42. Lunar eclipse occurs when
(A) The sun comes an between the Moon and the catch
(B) The moon comes in between the earth and the sun
(C) The earth comes in between the sun and the moon
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is C

43. The headquarters of the international court of justice is located at
(A) zerosun
(B) Hague
(C) Paris
(D) London
Correct Answer is B

44. The chemical formula of Baking soda is
(A) Na2CO310H2O
(B) N2HC2
(C) Na2CO3H2O
Correct Answer is B

45. Virus in computer is related with
(A) Dust Particles
(B) Hardware
(C) program
(D) All of these
Correct Answer is C

46. Which one of the following is not a computer language?
Correct Answer is C

47. Which one of the following is used to stop bleeding?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin U
(C) Vitamin B
(D) Vitamin K
Correct Answer is D

48. Roher’s Cup is associated with
(A) Tenis
(B) Football
(C) Volleyball
(D) Basket ball
Correct Answer is B

49. Match the following



a. Ten Dam

1. Ganga

b. Sardar Sarovar

2. Vias and Satluj

c. Indira Gandhi Canal

3. Narmada

d. Nagarjunsagar

4. Krishna

5. Bhagirathi

  a b c d
(A) 5 3 2 4
(B) 5 3 2 1
(C) 5 3 4 2
(D) 5 3 1 2
Correct Answer is A

50. The anonym RAM. Used in computer terminology stand for
(A) Random Access Memory
(B) Research Aptitude Model
(C) Read Access Memory
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is A


पाश्चात्य दर्शन का सबसे प्राचीन सम्प्रदाय

प्राप्त साक्ष्यों के आधार पर पाश्चात्य दर्शन का प्रारम्भ ग्रीक में हुआ। ग्रीक दर्शन में सबसे प्राचीन दार्शनिक मत माइलेशियन मत (Milesion School) है, जिसके तीन प्रमुख दार्शनिक हुए – थेलीज, एनेक्जिमेण्डर और एनेक्जिमेनीज है। तीनों दार्शनिक गुरु-शिष्य प्राणली के अन्तर्गत अध्ययनशील थे अर्थात् थेलीज के शिष्य एनेक्जिमेण्डर थे और एनेक्जिमेण्डर के शिष्य एनेक्जिमेनीज। थेलीज, इस सम्प्रदाय के संस्थापक थे, जिसके कारण ही थेलीज को पाश्चात्य दर्शन के जनक के रूप में माना जाता है।

सबसे प्राचीन पाश्चात्य सम्प्रदाय - माइलेशियन मत

इस सम्प्रदाय का एक अन्य नाम हयूलिस्ट भी है क्योंकि इस सम्प्रदाय के दार्शनिकों की मुख्य समस्या ह्यूल (Hule) अर्थात् द्रव्य थी। जैसे कि थेलीज ने जल को सृष्टि के मूल द्रव्य के रूप में स्वीकार किया तथा एनेक्जिमेण्डर और एनेक्जिमेनीज ने क्रमशः असीम (Apeiron) तथा वायु (Air) को मूल द्रव्य के रूप में स्वीकार किया।

माइलेशियन सम्प्रदाय का प्रमुख दार्शनिक स्कूल आयोनियन्स (Ionians School) था, जिसका केन्द्र यूनान का मिलेटस नामक स्थान रहा। आयोनियन्स स्कूल ने सर्वप्रथम पाश्चात्य दार्शनिक जगत् को अन्वेषण की एक तार्किक ओर वैज्ञानिक पद्धति दी। थेल्स, अनेक्जागोरस और एनेक्जिमेनीज को इस स्कूल के प्रारम्भिक आयोनियन्स दार्शनिक माने जाते हैं। इसके बाद जीनोफेन्स और एम्पेडोकुल्स को इस दार्शनिक सम्प्रदाय के प्रमुख दार्शनिकों में माना जाता है। इस दोनों दार्शनिकों ने भी सृष्टि की एकतत्त्ववादी व्याख्या की है। जीनोफेन्स ने जल और मिट्टी को सृष्टि के मूलतत्त्व के रूप में तथा एम्पेडोकुल्स ने जल, अग्नि, वायु और मिट्टी को मूलतत्त्व के रूप में स्वीकार किया है।

इस प्रकार, पश्चिमी जगत् के सबसे प्राचीन दार्शनिक सम्प्रदाय का प्रारम्भ ही सृष्टि उत्पत्ति के लिए आधारभूत द्रव्य की खोज से होता है और हयूलिस्ट दार्शनिकों की एक लम्बी शृंखला बनती है। इन सभी दार्शनिकों ने अपने-अपने दार्शनिक मत से सृष्टि का मूल द्रव्य स्वीकार किया है, जिसकी सूची इस प्रकार है –


सृष्टि का मूलद्रव्य




असीम (Apeiron)


बुद्धि (Nous)




पृथ्वी और जल


जल, अग्नि, वायु और पृथ्वी

हयूलिस्ट दार्शनिकों के अतिरिक्त बाद में भी सृष्टि के मूलतत्त्व को लेकर दार्शनिक व्याख्यायें हुई जिनकी सूची इस प्रकार है –


सृष्टि का मूलद्रव्य




शुद्ध सत्


तेज (अग्नि)

सुकरात, प्लेटो और अरस्तु


मध्यकालीन दार्शनिक


वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन आयोनियाई दार्शनिक है[1] ?

a)   हेराक्लिटस

b)   जीनो


c)    थेलीज

d)   एनेक्जागोरस


UGC NET EXAM दिसम्बर – 2010

2. निम्नलिखित में से माइलेशियन सम्प्रदाय के दार्शनिक कौन है[2] ?

A.   थेलीज

B.   एनेक्जीमेन्डर


C.   परर्मेनाइडीज

D.   एनेक्जामेनिज





a)   A और C

b)   A, B और D


c)    B और D

d)   उपर्युक्त सभी



UGC NET EXAM जून – 2014

3. कारण को सबसे पहले आयोनियन्स ने पहचाना था[3] ?

a)   पदार्थ के रूप में

b)   पूर्णता के रूप में


c)    अन्तिम तत्त्व के रूप में

d)   सामान्य के रूप में




[1] Ans - c

माइलेशियन सम्प्रदाय का प्रमुख दार्शनिक स्कूल आयोनियन्स (Ionians School) था, जिसका केन्द्र यूनान का मिलेटस नामक स्थान रहा। मत माइलेशियन मत (Milesion School) पश्चिमी दर्शन का सबसे प्राचीन सम्प्रदाय है, जिसके तीन प्रमुख दार्शनिक हुए – थेलीज, एनेक्जिमेण्डर और एनेक्जिमेनीज है।

[2] Ans - b

माइलेशियन सम्प्रदाय (Milesion School) पश्चिमी दर्शन का सबसे प्राचीन सम्प्रदाय है, जिसके तीन प्रमुख दार्शनिक हुए – थेलीज, एनेक्जिमेण्डर और एनेक्जिमेनीज है।

[3] Ans - a

पश्चिमी दर्शन का सर्वप्रथम दार्शनिक स्कूल आयोनियन्स (Ionians School) था, जिसका केन्द्र यूनान का मिलेटस नामक स्थान रहा। आयोनियन्स स्कूल ने सर्वप्रथम पाश्चात्य दार्शनिक जगत् को अन्वेषण की एक तार्किक ओर वैज्ञानिक पद्धति दी। इन्होंने सृष्टि की एकतत्त्ववादी व्याख्या की है जिसके करण इनको हयूलिस्ट दार्शनिक भी कहते हैं। ह्यूल (Hule) का अर्थ होता है – द्रव्य या पदार्थ।

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