Wednesday, June 19, 2024

UGC NET Second Paper (Philosophy) December 2007

UGC NET Second Paper (Philosophy) December 2007


1. 'tena tyaktena bhunjithāh this saying is taken from:

(A) Kathopanişad

(B) Brhadaranyaka Upnişad

(C) Isopnişad

(D) Chandyogyopanişad

Correct Answer is C

2. Aśvamedha Yajña is a type of:

(A) Paśuyajña

(B) Iştiyajña

(C) Somayajña

(D) Rājasüyayajña

Correct Answer is D

3. Who has propounded the theory of pure being ?

(A) Heraclitus

(B) Thales

(C) Anaximander

(D) Parmenides

Correct Answer is D

4. Who claims that 'Man is the measure of all things'?

(A) Socrates

(B) Aristotle

(C) Kant

(D) Protagoras

Correct Answer is D

5. 'All knowledge is knowledge through Concepts' is the view of:

(A) Zeno

(B) Xenophanes

(C) Heraclitus

(D) Socrates

Correct Answer is D

6. Who has propounded the Number Theory ?

(A) Zeno

(B) Aristotle

(C) Kant

(D) Pythagoras

Correct Answer is D

7. Who has propounded atomism?

(A) Socrates

(B) Aristotle

(C) Democritus

(D) Thales

Correct Answer is C

8. That the World-stuff is water, is the view of:

(A) Socrates

(B) Democritus

(C) Thales

(D) Pythagoras

Correct Answer is C

9. Where does the notion of Ratha Rupaka (a simile of chariot) occur while discussing the conception of Atman ?

(A) Veda

(B) Nyaya Sutra

(C) Kathopanişad

(D) Ishäväsyopanişad

Correct Answer is C

10. Who concentrated upon and realized matter as Brahman ?

(A) Brighu of Taittiriyaupanişad

(B) Varuna

(C) Indra

(D) Shvetaketu

Correct Answer is A

11. Who has admitted Käma as ultimate value of life?

(A) Nyaya

(B) Jainism

(C) Cārvāka

(D) Buddhism

Correct Answer is C

12. Who has propounded the concept of Triratna?

(A) Nyaya

(B) Buddhism

(C) Jainism

(D) Yoga

Correct Answer is C

13. Which of the following elements does not exist in Cärväka system?

(A) Earth

(B) Fire

(C) Ether

(D) Air

Correct Answer is C

14. Knowledge according to Jainism, is capable of manifesting:

(A) itself

(B) everything other than itself

(C) itself and other things too

(D) neither itself nor the other things

Correct Answer is C

15. 'This being that arises' (Asmin Sati, idam Bhavati) is associated with:

(A) Asatkāryavāda

(B) Satkāryavāda

(C) Ajātivāda

(D) Pratitya Samutpādavāda

Correct Answer is D

16. Syädvāda propounds:

(A) Scepticism

(B) Relativism

(C) Empiricism

(D) Rationalism

Correct Answer is B

17. Which one of the following systems propounds that Sattva, rajas and tamas are the constituents of Prakrti?

(A) Advaita Vedānta

(B) Samkhya

(C) Nyaya

(D) Viśiştādvaita

Correct Answer is B

18. Who has propounded the doctrine of Arambhavāda ?

(A) Samkhya

(B) Nyaya

(C) Advita Vedanta

(D) Cārvāka

Correct Answer is B

19. Who has propounded internal aids (antaranga sädhana) to yoga ?

(A) Nāgārjuna

(B) Gandhi

(C) Patañjali

(D) Tagore

Correct Answer is C

20. Who has propounded Samavāya relation (inherence) between part and whole ?

(A) Nyaya

(B) Buddhism

(C) Jainism

(D) Cärväka

Correct Answer is A

21. Who has propounded Shunyavāda ?

(A) Nagarjuna

(B) Ashvaghosa

(C) Vasubandhu

(D) Dinnäga

Correct Answer is A

22. Who is the father of ignorance, according to Sri Aurobindo?

(A) Supermind

(B) Mind

(C) Overmind

(D) Highermind

Correct Answer is C

23. What is the link between Absolute and World, according to Sri Aurobindo ?

(A) Psychic Being

(B) Supermind

(C) Overmind

(D) Mind

Correct Answer is B

24. Who has propounded that, 'All life is essentially yoga'?

(A) Gandhi

(B) Vivekananda

(C) Sri Aurobindo

(D) J. Krishnamurti

Correct Answer is C

25. Who has propounded that truth and non-violence are the two sides of the same coin?

(A) Tagore

(B) Gandhi

(C) Iqbal

(D) Sri Aurobindo

Correct Answer is B

26. According to Sri Aurobindo soul or psychic element emerges between:

(A) Mind and Highermind

(B) Life and Mind

(C) Matter and Life

(D) Overmind and Supermind

Correct Answer is B

27. Who has propounded that 'Though all our knowledge begins in experience, it does not mean that it ends in experience'?

(A) Descrates

(B) Spinoza

(C) Hume

(D) Kant

Correct Answer is D

28. Who has propounded that the end does not justify the means ?

(A) Marx

(B) K.C. Bhattacharya

(C) Gandhi

(D) Cärväka

Correct Answer is C

29. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(A) Bradley - Appearance and Reality

(B) Hussrel - Existentialism and Humanism

(C) Spinoza- Ethics

(D) Russell - My philosophical development

Correct Answer is B

30. Which of the following pairs is not correct?

(A) Kant - Critique of Practical Reason

(B) Bradley - Ethical Studies

(C) Hegel - The Republic

(D) Mill – Utilitarianism

Correct Answer is C

31. What is the right sequence according to Sri Aurobindo ?

(A) Matter, Life, Mind, Higher Mind

(B) Higher Mind, Life, Matter, Mind

(C) Mind, Life, Matter, Higher Mind

(D) Life, Mind, Higher Mind, Matter

Correct Answer is A

32. What is the correct sequence of Triple transformation according to Sri Aurobindo ?

(A) Psychic Transformation, Spiritual Transformation and Supramental Transformation

(B) Spiritual Transformation, Psychic Transformation and Supramental Transformation

(C) Supramental Transformation, Psychic Transformation and Spiritual Transformation

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is A

33. What is the right sequence of Triple process of evolution according to Sri Aurobindo?

(A) Widening, Heightening and Integration

(B) Heightening. Widening and Integration

(C) Integration, Widening and Heightening

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is C

34. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(A) Theory of Idea – Aristotle

(B) Faith and Reason - Protagoras

(C) Atomism - Democritus

(D) Form and Matter – Plato

Correct Answer is C & D

35. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(A) K.C. Bhattacharya - Universal Religion

(B) Sri Aurobindo - Integral Advaitism

(C) Iqbal - Grades of Theoretic Consciousness

(D) Radhakrishnan - Religion of Man

Correct Answer is B & D

36. What is the correct sequence of the following?

(i) Anumiti

(ii) Pakşadharmatajñana

(iii) Vyāptijñana

(iv) Paramarśajñana

(A) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

Correct Answer is C

37. The theory of error advocated by the Naiyāyikas is known as:

(A) Vivekakhyātivāda

(B) Akhyātivāda

(C) Anirvacaniyakhyātivāda

(D) Anyathākhyātivāda

Correct Answer is D

38. 'Sound is eternal because it is produced this argument involves the fallacy of:

(A) Bädhita

(B) Asiddha

(C) Viruddha

(D) Satpratipakşa

Correct Answer is B

39. What is the correct sequence of the followings?

(i) Nämarüpa

(ii) Avidyā

(iii) Samskara

(iv) Vijñāna

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)

(C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

(D) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)

Correct Answer is D

40. Assertion (A): For Kant, the world is empirically real but transcendentally ideal.

Reason (R): Realism about the empirical world is supported by Kant's theory of space and time.

Identify which one of the following is the correct answer.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true. (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Correct Answer is B

41. Assertion (A) For St. Anselm, deducing the existence of God from the concept of 'the greatest possible being' is certified by the authority of the Bible.

Reason (R): The greatest possible being, for St. Anselm, necessarily exists.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true. (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, (R) is true

Correct Answer is B

42. Assertion (A) The human soul is, for Descartes, wholly outside the natural order.

Reason (R): The human body is wholly inside the natural order.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, (R) is false

(D) (A) is false, (R) is true

Correct Answer is B

43. Viśiştādvaita maintains that the ultimate reality is:

(A) Pure consciousness

(B) Material

(C) Organic unity of Cit and Acit

(D) Manifold only

Correct Answer is C

44. The supreme authority of morality, according to Kant is:

(A) Emotion

(B) Customs

(C) Authoritarianism

(D) Conscience

Correct Answer is D

45. According to Gandhi Satyagraha means:

(A) Sacrificing Truth

(B) Speaking the Truth

(C) Sticking to the Truth

(D) None of them

Correct Answer is C

46. Swami Vivekananda's thought is known as:

(A) Practical Yoga

(B) Integral Yoga

(C) Practical Vedanta

(D) Raja Yoga

Correct Answer is A

Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it:

"The very face of the truth is covered by a golden lid. O Pusan! uncover the lid, so that I may see the truth".

From the statement given above identify the correct alternatives mentioned in question numbers 47 and 48.

47. (A) The truth can be covered by falsity

(B) The truth cannot be covered by falsity

(C) Truth can be covered as well as not covered by falsity

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is C

48. (A) If the truth is covered by falsity it can be uncovered

(B) If the truth can be covered by falsity it cannot be uncovered

(C) If the truth is covered by falsity it may be uncovered or it may remain covered

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is C

Read the following passage and answer the questions based on it:

The 'persistent ideals of the race are at once the contradiction of its normal experience and the affirmation of higher and deeper experiences which are abnormal to humanity and only to be attained, in their organised entirety, by a revolutionary individual effort'.

- Sri Aurobindo

From the statement given above, identify the correct alternatives mentioned in question numbers 49 and 50.

49. (A) The normal experience of human race is opposed to the persistent ideals of the race

(B) The normal experience of human race is not opposed to persistent ideals of the race

(C) The normal experience of human race is opposed as well as unopposed to persistent ideals of the race

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is A

50. (A) The persistent ideals of the race can be attained by a revolutionary individual effort

(B) The persistent ideals of the race cannot be attained by a revolutionary individual effort

(C) The persistent ideals of the race may or may not be attained by a revolutionary individual effort.

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is D

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