Friday, June 21, 2024

UGC NET Second Paper (Philosophy) June 2010

UGC NET Second Paper (Philosophy) June 2010

1. "Man is the measure of all things" is said by

(A) Plato

(B) Aristotle

(C) Socrates

(D) Protagoras

Correct Answer is D

2. "Knowledge is virtue" is said by

(A) Democritus

(B) Socrates

(C) Aristotle

(D) Leibnitz

Correct Answer is B

3. Which theory is propounded by Spinoza regarding the relation between Mind and Body ?

(A) Occasionalism

(B) Parallelism

(C) Pre-established harmony

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is B

4. Who among the following thinkers is treated as a sceptic ?

(A) Descartes

(B) Locke

(C) Kant

(D) Hume

Correct Answer is D

5. According to Hegel, Becoming incorporates:

(A) only Being

(B) only Non-Being

(C) both Being and Non-Being

(D) neither Being nor Non-Being

Correct Answer is C

6. Who has stated 'knowledge by Acquaintance' and 'knowledge by Description'?

(A) Ayer

(B) Moore

(C) Russell

(D) Ryle

Correct Answer is C

7. The man who declared himself first "I am a Philosopher" is

(A) Socrates

(B) Pythogoras

(C) Bacon

(D) Heraclitus

Correct Answer is D

8. The prominent sophists were

(A) Leucippus and Democritus

(B) Socrates and Plato

(C) Protagoras and Gorgias

(D) Anaxagoras and Tuucydides

Correct Answer is C

9. Socrates did not preach

(A) 'Right thinking leads to right action.'

(B) 'No man is voluntarily bad or voluntarily good'

(C) 'Doubt implies a doubter'

(D) 'An unexamined life is not worth-living'

Correct Answer is A

10. Who was the philosopher interviewed by young Socrates ?

(A) Anaximenes

(B) Anaximander

(C) Heraclitus

(D) Parmenides

Correct Answer is D

11. The author of 'Memorabilia' is

(A) Xenophon

(B) Socrates

(C) Plato

(D) Aristotle

Correct Answer is A

12. 'Ontological Argument' of Saint Anselm was adopted by

(A) Descartes

(B) Spinoza

(C) Leibnitz

(D) Locke

Correct Answer is C

13. Who said that "our earthly life is a pilgrimage to God"?

(A) St. Paul

(B) St. Augustine

(C) St. Anselm

(D) St. Thomas Aquinas

Correct Answer is B

14. 'Meditations on First Philosophy" was written by

(A) Descartes

(B) Spinoza

(C) Leibnitz

(D) Locke

Correct Answer is A

15. Arrange the following books in order in which they appear in the history of Philosophy.

I. Organon

II. Phaedo

III. Problems of Philosophy

IV. Principles of Philosophy


(A) IV, III, I, II

(B) I, II, III, IV

(C) II, I, IV, III

(D) III, IV, II, I

Correct Answer is C

16. Find out the odd :

(A) Descartes was a dualist.

(B) Spinoza was a monist.

(C) Leibnitz was a pluralist.

(D) Locke was a rationalist.

Correct Answer is D

17. 'The True Knowledge of External World is impossible' is the view held by

(A) Spinoza

(B) Leibnitz

(C) Locke

(D) Berkeley

Correct Answer is D

18. The faculty of understanding in Kant's philosophy is known as

(A) Transcendental Aesthetic

(B) Transcendental logic

(C) Transcendental Dialectic

(D) None of these

Correct Answer is D

19. According to Hegel, reality consists

(A) full of contradictions negations &

(B) full of percepts & concepts

(C) simple ideas & complex ideas

(D) space and time

Correct Answer is A

20. The Naturalistic fallacy is attributed to

(A) Immanuel Kant

(B) J.S. Mill

(C) G.E. Moore

(D) Gilbert Ryle

Correct Answer is C

21. The leading figure of existentialism in France is

(A) J. P. Sartre

(B) S. Kierkegaard

(C) Karl Jaspers

(D) Nietzsche

Correct Answer is A

22. The phrase 'forgetfulness of Being' is attributed to

(A) A. J. Ayer

(B) Edmund Husserl

(C) Martin Heidegger

(D) J.P. Sartre

Correct Answer is C

23. The 'private language argument' was prepared by

(A) A.J. Ayer

(B) Carnap

(C) G.E. Moore

(D) Wittgenstein

Correct Answer is D

24. Which of the following is not included in analytical philosophy?

(A) Logical atomism

(B) Logical positivism

(C) Linguistic analysis

(D) Phenomenology

Correct Answer is D

25. The vedic word Rta stands for

(A) only moral order

(B) only cosmic order

(C) both moral and cosmic order

(D) None of the above

Correct Answer is C

26. Brahmacarya is the means to meet

(A) Rşirņa

(B) Pitrņa

(C) Devarņa

(D) Manuşyarņa

Correct Answer is D

27. Who among the following does believe in God?

(A) Buddha

(B) Jaimini

(C) Patañjali

(D) Mahāvira

Correct Answer is C

28. Consider the List-I and the List-II and select the code correctly matched:

List - I

List - II

(1) Praśastapāda

(i) Tattvakaumudi

(2) Vācaspati Miśra

(ii) Ślokavārthika

(3) Jayanta Bhattā

(iii) Nyāyamañjari

(4) Kumarila

(iv) Padarthadharma Samgraha


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

(C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

(D) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

Correct Answer is B

29. Assertion (A): Iśvara is the nimittakāraņa (efficient cause) of the world.

Reason (R) : Iśvara is ominipresent.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the explanation of (A). correct

(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(D) (R) is correct, but (A) is not and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Correct Answer is B

30. The view that Vedas are pauruşeya is held by

(A) Jaimini

(B) Sańkara

(C) Gautama

(D) Kapila

Correct Answer is A

31. The samavāyikārana of the world according to the Vaiśeşikas is

(A) Paramāņu

(B) Dvyaņuka

(C) Trasarenu

(D) None of the above

Correct Answer is D

32. Syādvādā is the

(A) Epistemological theory of Buddhists

(B) Epistemological theory of Vedāntins

(C) Metaphysical theory of Jainas

(D) Epistemological Jainas theory of

Correct Answer is C

33. Carvaka Ethics is called

(A) Hedonistic

(B) Idealistic

(C) Marxism

(D) Realism

Correct Answer is A

34. Prātitya samutpāda-vāda is an

(A) Epistemological theory of Nyāya

(B) Theory Buddhism of causation in

(C) Epistemological theory of Vedanta

(D) Metaphysical theory of the Jainas

Correct Answer is B

35. The founder of Mimāmsa Darśana is

(A) Kapila

(B) Patañjali

(C) Jaimini

(D) Śańkara

Correct Answer is C

36. Nirguna Brahma is related to

(A) Vyāvahārika Satya

(B) Pāramārthika Satya

(C) Prātibhāsika Satya

(D) Bhakti and Prapatti

Correct Answer is B

37. Assertion (A): The three basics of Buddhism as a religion are: the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.

Reason (R): The three basic features of Buddhist Philosophy are: Anicca, Asatta and Dukkha.

(A) Both (A) and (R) individually true. are

(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are individually false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Correct Answer is A

38. Assertion (A): Vedanta of Sankara accepts Sadhana Catustaya.

Reason (R) : Vedanta of Sankara accepts Sadhana Saptaka.

(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Correct Answer is A

39. Consider the following inference :

1. Tom is a rational animal.

2. All men are rational animals.

3. Tom is such a man.

4. Because Tom is a man.

5. Therefore, Tom is a rational animal.

The correct sequence of statements according to Nyāya inference is

(A) 1-4-2-3-5

(B) 4-1-2-5-3

(C) 2-4-3-5-1

(D) 1-3-4-5-2

Correct Answer is B

40. 'Tirthankara' is a term associated with

(A) Carvaka

(B) Jainism

(C) Buddhism

(D) Yoga

Correct Answer is B

41. Classical Vaiśesika system is known as

(A) Science of soul

(B) Science of thinking

(C) Science of meditation

(D) Science of categories

Correct Answer is D

42. "On this ground there is no pot now" is an example of

(A) Prior non-existence

(B) Annihilative non-existence

(C) Reciprocal non-existence

(D) Absolute non-existence

Correct Answer is B

43. The main objective of the Mimansa system is

(A) To establish the authority of the Upanishads

(B) To establish the authority of the Vedas

(C) To establish the authority of the Smrtis

(D) None of the above

Correct Answer is B

44. According to Gandhi, the goal of constructive program is

(A) Providing economic relief to the unemployed.

(B) Distributing some wages to spinners and weavers.

(C) Creating a non-violent order of society.

(D) None of the above

Correct Answer is C

45. 'Buddhism is nothing, if not rationalism' according to

(A) Gandhi

(B) Ambedkar

(C) Bhagavandas

(D) Tilak

Correct Answer is A

46. Which of the following is not acceptable to Ambedkar ?

(A) Liberty, equality and fraternity

(B) Education, Organisation and agitation

(C) Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha

(D) Caste, Varna and Karma

Correct Answer is D

Read the following passage and answer the questions from 47 to 50:

"Religion is not the outcome of the weakness of human nature; religion is not here because we fear a tyrant; religion is love, unfolding, expanding, growing. Take the watch within the little case is machinery and a spring. The spring, when wound up, tries to regain its natural state. You are like the spring in the watch, and it is not necessary that all watches have the same kind of a spring, and it is not necessary that we all have the same religion. And why should we quarrel? If we all had the same ideas the world would

be dead. External motion we call action; internal motion is human thought. The stone falls to the earth. You say it is caused by the law of gravitation. The horse draws the cart and God draws the horse. That is the law of motion. Whirlpools show the strength of the current; stop the current and stagnation ensues. Motion is life. We must have unity and variety. The rose would smell as sweet by any other name, and it does not matter what your religion is called.

47. What is religion, as per the author of the passage?

(A) weakness of human nature

(B) fear of a tyrant

(C) love

(D) all the above

Correct Answer is C

48. In religion love is not

(A) unfolded

(B) expanded

(C) concretised

(D) grown

Correct Answer is NOT

49. For the author, in religion the following is needed:

(A) External motion

(B) Internal motion

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above

Correct Answer is C

50. Which one of the following is not correct for author ?

(A) Religion is love.

(B) Religion is fragrant like a rose.

(C) Religion has manyness.

(D) Religion is individualistic.

Correct Answer is D

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