Sunday, March 27, 2022

General UGC-NET Examination Question Paper- 1June- 2008 Set- WXYZ

UGC NET General Paper-1 June 2008

UGC NET General Paper June 2008

1. The teacher has been glorified by the phrase “Friend, philosopher and guide” because:
(A) He has to play all vital roles in the context of society
(B) He transmits the high value of humanity to students
(C) He is the great reformer of the society
(D) He is a great patriot
Correct Answer is B

2. The most important cause of failure for teacher lies in the area of:
(A) inter personal relationship
(B) lack of command over the knowledge of the subject
(C) verbal ability
(D) strict handling of the students
Correct Answer is B

3. A teacher can establish rapport with his students by:
(A) becoming a figure of authority
(B) impressing students with knowledge and skill
(C) playing the role of a guide
(D) becoming a friend to the students
Correct Answer is B

4. Education is a powerful instrument of:
(A) Social transformation
(B) Personal transformation
(C) Cultural transformation
(D) All the above
Correct Answer is D

5. A teacher’s major contribution towards the maximum selfrealization of the student is affected through:
(A) Constant fulfilment of the students’ needs
(B) Strict control of class-room activities
(C) Sensitivity to students’ needs, goals and purposes
(D) Strict reinforcement of academic standards
Correct Answer is C

6. Research problem is selected from the stand point of:
(A) Researcher’s interest
(B) Financial support
(C) Social relevance
(D) Availability of relevant literature
Correct Answer is A

7. Which one is called non-probability sampling?
(A) Cluster sampling
(B) Quota sampling
(C) Systematic sampling
(D) Stratified random sampling
Correct Answer is B

8. Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in:
(A) Survey method
(B) Historical studies
(C) Experimental studies
(D) Normative studies
Correct Answer is B

9. Field-work based research is classified as:
(A) Empirical
(B) Historical
(C) Experimental
(D) Biographical
Correct Answer is C

10. Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006 ?
(A) Cluster sampling
(B) Systematic sampling
(C) Quota sampling
(D) Stratified random sampling
Correct Answer is B
Read the following passage and answer the questions 11 to 15 :

The fundamental principle is that Article 14 forbids class legislation but permits reasonable classification for the purpose of legislation which classification must satisfy the twin tests of classification being founded on an intelligible differentia which distinguishes persons or things that are grouped together from those that are left out of the group and that differentia must have a rational nexus to the object sought to be achieved by the Statute in question. The thrust of Article 14 is that the citizen is entitled to equality before law and equal protection of laws. In the very nature of things the society being composed of unequals a welfare State will have to strive by both executive and legislative action to help the less fortunate in society to ameliorate their condition so that the social and economic inequality in the society may be bridged. This would necessitate a legislative application to a group of citizens otherwise unequal and amelioration of whose lot is the object of state affirmative action. In the absence of the doctrine of classification such legislation is likely to flounder on the bed rock of equality enshrined in Article 14. The Court realistically appraising the social and economic inequality and keeping in view the guidelines on which the State action must move as constitutionally laid down in Part IV of the Constitution evolved the doctrine of classification. The doctrine was evolved to sustain a legislation or State action designed to help weaker sections of the society or some such segments of the society in need of succour. Legislative and executive action may accordingly be sustained if it satisfies the twin tests of reasonable classification and the rational principle correlated to the object sought to be achieved.
    The concept of equality before the law does not involve the idea of absolute equality among human beings which is a physical impossibility. All that Article 14 guarantees is a similarity of treatment contra-distinguished from identical treatment. Equality before law means that among equals the law should be equal and should be equally administered and that the likes should be treated alike. Equality before the law does not mean that things which are different shall be as though they are the same. It of course means denial of any special privilege by reason of birth, creed or the like. The legislation as well as the executive government, while dealing with diverse problems arising out of an infinite variety of human relations must of necessity have the power of making special laws, to attain any particular object and to achieve that object it must have the power of selection or classification of persons and things upon which such laws are to operate.

11. Right to equality, one of the fundamental rights, is enunciated in the constitution under Part III, Article
(A) 12
(B) 13
(C) 14
(D) 15
Correct Answer is C

12. The main thrust of Right to equality is that it permits:
(A) class legislation
(B) equality before law and equal protection under the law
(C) absolute equality
(D) special privilege by reason of birth
Correct Answer is B

13. The social and economic inequality in the society can be bridged by:
(A) executive and legislative action
(B) universal suffrage
(C) identical treatment
(D) none of the above
Correct Answer is A

14. The doctrine of classification is evolved to:
(A) Help weaker sections of the society
(B) Provide absolute equality
(C) Provide identical treatment
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is A

15. While dealing with diverse problems arising out of an infinite variety of human relations, the government:
(A) must have the power of making special laws
(B) must not have any power to make special laws
(C) must have power to withdraw equal rights
(D) none of the above
Correct Answer is A

16. Communication with oneself is known as:
(A) Group communication
(B) Grapevine communication
(C) Interpersonal communication
(D) Intrapersonal communication
Correct Answer is D

17. Which broadcasting system for TV is followed in India?
Correct Answer is B

18. All India Radio before 1936 was known as:
(A) Indian Radio Broadcasting
(B) Broadcasting Service of India
(C) Indian Broadcasting Service
(D) All Tndia Broadcasting Service
Correct Answer is C

19. The biggest news agency of India is:
(D) Samachar Bharati
Correct Answer is A

20. Prasar Bharati was launched in the year:
(A) 1995
(B) 1997
(C) 1999
(D) 2001
Correct Answer is B

21. A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as:
(A) Sample parameter
(B) Inference
(C) Statistics
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is C

22. The importance of the correlation co-efficient lies in the fact that:
(A) There is a linear relationship between the correlated variables.
(B) It is one of the most valid measure of statistics.
(C) It allows one to determine the degree or strength of the association be tween two variables.
(D) It is a non-parametric method of statistical analysis.
Correct Answer is C

23. The F-test:
(A) is essentially a two tailed test.
(B) is essentially a one tailed test.
(C) can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis.
(D) can never be a one tailed test.
Correct Answer is C

24. What will be the next letter in the following series: DCXW, FGVU, HGTS, …………
Correct Answer is C

25. The following question is based on the diagram given below. If the two small circles represent formal class-room education and distance education and the big circle stands for university system of education, which figure represents the university systems.

Correct Answer is B

26. The statement, ‘To be non-violent is good’ is a
(A) Moral judgement
(B) Factual judgement
(C) Religious judgement
(D) Value judgement
Correct Answer is D

27. Assertion (A) : Man is a rational being.
Reason (R) : Man is a social being.

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true
Correct Answer is B

28. Value Judgements are:
(A) Factual Judgements
(B) Ordinary Judgements
(C) Normative Judgements
(D) Expression of public opinion
Correct Answer is D

29. Deductive reasoning proceeds from
(A) general to particular
(B) particular to general
(C) one general conclusion to another general conclusion
(D) one particular conclusion to another particular conclusion
Correct Answer is A

30. AGARTALA is written in code as 14168171, the code for AGRA is:
(A) 1641
(B) 1416
(C) 1441
(D) 1461
Correct Answer is D

31. Which one of the following is the most comprehensive source of population data?
(A) National Family Health Surveys
(B) National Sample Surveys
(C) Census
(D) Demographic Health Surveys
Correct Answer is C

32. Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling?
(A) Sample units must be clearly defined
(B) Sample units must be dependent on each other
(C) Same units of sample should be used throughout the study
(D) Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner
Correct Answer is B

33. If January 1st, 2007 is Monday, what was the day on 1st January 1995?
(A) Sunday
(B) Monday
(C) Friday
(D) Saturday
Correct Answer is A

34. Insert the missing number in the following series:
4 16 8 64 ? 256

(A) 16
(B) 24
(C) 32
(D) 20
Correct Answer is A

35. If an article is sold for Rs. 178 at a loss of 11%; what would be its selling price in order to earn a profit of 11% ?
(A) Rs. 222.50
(B) Rs. 267
(C) Rs. 222
(D) Rs. 220
Correct Answer is C

36. WYSIWYG - describes the display of a document on screen as it will actually print:
(A) What you state is what you get
(B) What you see is what you get
(C) What you save is what you get
(D) What you suggest is what you get
Correct Answer is B

37. Which of the following is not a Computer language?
Correct Answer is B

38. A key-board has at least:
(A) 91 keys
(B) 101 keys
(C) 111 keys
(D) 121 keys
Correct Answer is B

39. An E-mail address is composed of:
(A) two parts
(B) three parts
(C) four parts
(D) five parts4
Correct Answer is A

40. Corel Draw is a popular:
(A) Illustration programme
(B) Programming language
(C) Text programme
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is A

41. Human ear is most sensitive to noise in which of the following ranges:
(A) 1 - 2 KHz
(B) 100 - 500 Hz
(C) 10 - 12 KHz
(D) 2 - 5 KHz
Correct Answer is D

42. Which one of the following units is used to measure intensity of noise?
(A) decible
(B) Hz
(C) Phon
(D) Watts/m2
Correct Answer is A

43. If the population growth follows a logistic curve, the maximum sustainable yield:
(A) is equal to half the carrying capacity.
(B) is equal to the carrying capacity.
(C) depends on growth rates.
(D) depends on the initial population.
Correct Answer is A

44. Chemical weathering of rocks is largely dependent upon:
(A) high temperature
(B) strong wind action
(C) heavy rainfall
(D) glaciation
Correct Answer is A

45. Structure of earth’s system consists of the following: Match List-I with List-Il and give the correct answer.

List-I (Zone)

List-II (Chemical Character)

(a) Atmosphere

(i) Inert gases

(b) Biosphere

(ii) Salt, fresh water, snow and ice

(c) Hydrosphere

(iii) Organic substances, skeleton matter

(d) Lithosphere

(iv) Light silicates

  (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(B) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
Correct Answer is B

46. NAAC is an autonomous institution under the aegis of:
Correct Answer is D

47. National Council for Women’s Education was established in:
(A) 1958
(B) 1976
(C) 1989
(D) 2000
Correct Answer is A

48. Which one of the following is not situated in New Delhi?
(A) Indian Council of Cultural Relations
(B) Indian Council of Scientific Research
(C) National Council of Educational Research and Training
(D) Indian Institute of Advanced Studies
Correct Answer is D

49. Autonomy in higher education implies freedom in:
(A) Administration
(B) Policy-making
(C) Finance
(D) Curriculum development
Correct Answer is B

50. Match List-I with List-Il and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (institutions)

List-II (Locations)

(a) Dr. Hari Singh Gour University

(i) Mumbai

(b) S.N.D.T. University

(ii) Baroda

(c) M.S. University

(iii) Jodhpur

(d) J.N. Vyas University

(iv) Sagar

  (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(D) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
Correct Answer is A

General UGC NET Examination Question Paper- 1 December- 2008 Set- WXYZ

UGC NET General Paper-1 December 2008

UGC NET General Paper December 2008

1. According to Swami Vivekananda, teacher's success depends on:
(A) His renunciation of personal gain and service to others
(B) His professional training and creativity
(C) His concentration on his work and duties with a spirit of obedience to God
(D) His mastery on the subject and capacity in controlling the students
Correct Answer is D

2. Which of the following teacher, will be liked most?
(A) A teacher of high idealistic attitude
(B) A loving teacher
(C) A teacher who is disciplined
(D) A teacher who often amuses his students
Correct Answer is A

3. A teacher's most important challenge is:
(A) To make students do their home work
(B) To make teaching-learning process enjoyable
(C) To maintain discipline in the class room
(D) To prepare the question paper
Correct Answer is B

4. Value-education stands for:
(A) making a student healthy
(B) making a student to get a job
(C) inculcation of virtues
(D) all-round development of personality
Correct Answer is C

5. When a normal student behaves in an erratic manner in the class, you would:
(A) pull up the student then and there
(B) talk to the student after the class
(C) ask the student to leave the class
(D) ignore the student
Correct Answer is B

6. The research is always -
(A) verifying the old knowledge
(B) exploring new knowledge
(C) filling the gap between knowledge
(D) all of these
Correct Answer is D

7. The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is:
(A) Applied research
(B) Action research
(C) Experimental research
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is C

8. When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is:
(A) Cluster Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Convenient Sampling
(D) Lottery Method
Correct Answer is B

9. The process not needed in experimental research is:
(A) Observation
(B) Manipulation and replication
(C) Controlling
(D) Reference collection
Correct Answer is D

10. A research problem is not feasible only when:
(A) it is researchable
(B) it is new and adds something to knowledge
(C) it consists of independent and dependent variables
(D) it has utility and relevance
Correct Answer is C
Read the following passage and answer the question nos. 11 to 15:

    Radically changing monsoon patterns, reduction in the winter rice harvest and a quantum increase in respiratory diseases all part of the environmental doomsday scenario which is reportedly playing out in South Asia. According to a United Nations Environment Programme report, a deadly three-kilometer deep blanket of pollution comprising a fearsome, cocktail of ash, acids, aerosols and other particles has enveloped in this region. For India, already struggling to cope with a drought, the implication of this are devastating and further crop failure will amount to a life and death question for many Indians. The increase in premature deaths will have adverse social and economic consequences and a rise in morbidities will place an unbearable burden on our crumbling health system. And there is no one to blame but ourselves. Both official and corporate India has always been allergic to any mention of clean technology. Most mechanical two wheelers roll of the assembly line without proper pollution control system. Little effort is made for R&D on simple technologies, which could make a vital difference to people's lives and the environment.
    However, while there is no denying that South Asia must clean up its act, skeptics might question the timing of the haze report. The Kyoto meet on climate change is just two weeks away and the stage is set for the usual battle between the developing world and the West, particularly the Unites States of America. President Mr. Bush has adamantly refused to sign any protocol, which would mean a change in American consumption level. U.N. environment report will likely find a place in the U.S. arsenal as it plants an accusing finger towards controls like India and China. Yet the U.S.A. can hardly deny its own dubious role in the matter of erasing trading quotas.
    Richer countries can simply buy up excess credits from poorer countries and continue to pollute. Rather than try to get the better of developing countries, who undoubtedly have taken up environmental shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the West, the USA should take a look at the environmental profigacy, which is going on within. From opening up virgin territories for oil exploration to relaxing the standards for drinking water, Mr. Bush's policies are not exactly beneficial, not even to America's interests. We realize that we are all in this together and that pollution anywhere should be a global concern otherwise there will only be more tunnels at the end of the tunnel.

11. Both official and corporate India is allergic to:
(A) Failure of Monsoon
(B) Poverty and Inequality
(C) Slowdown in Industrial Production
(D) Mention of Clean Technology
Correct Answer is D

12. If the rate of premature death increases it will:
(A) Exert added burden on the crumbling economy
(B) Have adverse social and economic consequences
(C) Make positive effect on our effort to control population
(D) Have less job aspirants in the society
Correct Answer is B

13. According to the passage, the two wheeler industry is not adequately concerned about:
(A) Passenger safety on the roads
(B) Life cover insurance of the vehicle owner
(C) Pollution control system in the vehicle
(D) Rising cost of the two wheelers
Correct Answer is C

14. What could be the reason behind timing of the haze report just before the Kyoto meet?
(A) United Nations is working hand-in-glove with U.S.A.
(B) Organizers of the forthcoming meet to teach a lesson to the U.S.A.
(C) Drawing attention of the world towards devastating effects of environment degradation.
(D) U.S.A. wants to use it as a handle against the developing countries in the forthcoming meet
Correct Answer is D

15. Which of the following is the indication of environmental degradation in South Asia?
(A) Social and economic inequality
(B) Crumbling health care system
(C) Inadequate pollution control system
(D) Radically changing monsoon pattern
Correct Answer is D

16. Community Radio is a type of radio service that caters to the interest of:
(A) Local audience
(B) Education
(C) Entertainment
(D) News
Correct Answer is A

17. Orcut is a part of:
(A) Intra personal Communication
(B) Mass Communication
(C) Group Communication
(D) Interpersonal Communication
Correct Answer is D

18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List-I (Artists)

List-II (Art)

(a) Amrita Shergill

(i) Flute

(b) T. Swaminathan Pillai

(ii) Classical Song

(c) Bhimsenjoshi

(iii) Painting

(d) Padma Subramaniyam

(iv) Bharat Natyam

  (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
Correct Answer is A

19. Which is not correct in latest communication award?
(A) Salman Rushdie - Booker's Prize - July 20, 2008
(B) Dilip Sanghavi - Business Standard CEO Award July 22, 2008
(C) Tapan Sinha - Dada Saheb Falke Award, July 21, 2008
(D) Gautam Ghosh - Osians Lifetime Achievement Award July 11, 2008
Correct Answer is A

20. Firewalls are used to protect a communication network system against:
(A) Unauthorized attacks
(B) Virus attacks
(C) Data-driven attacks
(D) Fire-attacks
Correct Answer is A

21. Insert the missing number in the following:
2/3, 4/7, ? , 11/21, 16/31

(A) 10/8
(B) 6/10
(C) 5/10
(D) 7/13
Correct Answer is D

22. In a certain code, GAMESMAN is written as AGMEMSAN. How would DISCLOSE be written in that code?
Correct Answer is B

23. The letters in the first set have a certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship mark the right choice for the second set:
AST : BRU : : NQV : ?

Correct Answer is D

24. On what dates of April 1994 did SUNDAY fall?
(A) 2,9,16,23,30
(B) 3,10,17,24
(C) 4,11,18,25
(D) 1,8,15,22,29
Correct Answer is B

25. Find out the wrong number in the sequence:
125, 127, 130, 135, 142, 153, 165

(A) 130
(B) 142
(C) 153
(D) 165
Correct Answer is C

26. There are five books A, B, C, D and E. The book C lies above D, the book E is below A and B is below E. Which is at the bottom?
(A) E
(B) B
(C) A
(D) C
Correct Answer is B

27. Logical reasoning is based on:
(A) Truth of involved propositions
(B) Valid relation among the involved propositions
(C) Employment of symbolic language
(D) Employment of ordinary language
Correct Answer is B

28. Two propositions with the same subject and predicate terms but different in quality are:
(A) Contradictory
(B) Contrary
(C) Subaltern
(D) Identical
Correct Answer is C

29. The premises of a valid deductive argument:
(A) Provide some evidence for its conclusion
(B) Provide no evidence for its conclusion
(C) Are irrelevant for its conclusion
(D) Provide conclusive evidence for its conclusion
Correct Answer is D

30. Syllogistic reasoning is:
(A) Deductive
(B) Inductive
(C) Experimental
(D) Hypothetical
Correct Answer is A
Study the following Venn diagram and answer the questions 31 to 33 :
Three circles representing GRADUATES, CLERKS and GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES are intersecting. The intersections are marked A, B, C, e, f, g and h. Which part best represents the statements in questions 31 to 33?

31. Some Graduates are Government employees but not as Clerks.
(A) h
(B) g
(C) f
(D) e
Correct Answer is C

32. Clerks who are graduates as well as government employees:
(A) e
(B) f
(C) g
(D) h
Correct Answer is D

33. Some graduates are Clerks but not Government employees.
(A) f
(B) g
(C) h
(D) e
Correct Answer is D

Study the following graph and answer questions numbered from 34 to 35 :

34. Which of the firms got maximum profit growth rate in the year 2006?
(A) ab
(B) ce
(C) cd
(D) ef
Correct Answer is B

35. Which of the firms got maximum profit growth rate in the year 2007?
(A) bdf
(B) acf
(C) bcd
(D) ace
Correct Answer is A

36. The accounting software 'Tally' was developed by:
(C) Infosys
(D) Wipro
Correct Answer is B

37. Errors in computer programmes are called:
(A) Follies
(B) Mistakes
(C) Bugs
(D) Spam
Correct Answer is C

38. HTML is basically used to design:
(A) Web-page
(B) Web-site
(C) Graphics
(D) Tables and Frames
Correct Answer is A

39. 'Micro Processing' is made for:
(A) Computer
(B) Digital System
(C) Calculator
(D) Electronic Goods
Correct Answer is A

40. Information, a combination of graphics, text, sound, video and animation is called:
(A) Multiprogramme
(B) Multifacet
(C) Multimedia
(D) Multiprocess
Correct Answer is C

41. Which of the following pairs regarding typical composition of hospital wastes is incorrect?
(A) Plastic - 9-12%
(B) Metals - 1-2%
(C) Ceramic - 8-10%
(D) Biodegradable - 35-40%
Correct Answer is A

42. Fresh water achieves its greatest density at:
(A) -4
° C
(B) 0
° C
(C) 4
° C
(D) -2.5
° C
Correct Answer is C

43. Which one of the following is not associated with earthquakes?
(A) Focus
(B) Epicenter
(C) Seismograph
(D) Swells
Correct Answer is D

44. The tallest trees in the world are found in the region:
(A) Equatorial region
(B) Temperate region
(C) Monsoon region
(D) Mediterranean region
Correct Answer is A

45. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List-I (National Parks)

List-II (States)

(a) Periyar

(i) Orissa

(b) Nandan Kanan

(ii) Kerala

(c) Corbett National Park

(iii) Rajasthan

(d) Sariska Tiger Reserve

(iv) Uttarakhand

  (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(B) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Correct Answer is A

46. According to Radhakrishnan Commission, the aim of Higher Education is:
(A) To develop the democratic values, peace and harmony
(B) To develop great personalities who can give their contributions in politics, administration, industry and commerce
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Correct Answer is C

47. The National Museum at New Delhi is attached to:
(A) Delhi University
(B) a Deemed University
(C) a Subordinate Office of the JNU
(D) Part of Ministry of Tourism and Culture
Correct Answer is D

48. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List-I (Institutions)

List-II (Locations)

(a) National Law Institute

(i) Shimla

(b) Indian Institute of Advanced Studies

(ii) Bhopal

(c) National Judicial Academy

(iii) Hyderabad

(d) National Savings Institute

(iv) Nagpur

  (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
Correct Answer is D

49. Election of Rural and Urban local bodies are conducted and ultimately supervised by:
(A) Election Commission of India
(B) State Election Commission
(C) District Collector and District Magistrate
(D) Concerned Returning Officer
Correct Answer is B

50. Which opinion is not correct?
(A) Education is a subject of concurrent list of VII schedule of Constitution of India
(B) University Grants Commission is a statutory body
(C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of concurrent list
(D) Indian Council of Social Science Research is a statutory body related to research in social sciences
Correct Answer is C

General UGC NET Examination Question Paper- 1 June- 2007 Set-WXYZ

UGC NET General Paper-1 June 2007

UGC NET General Paper June 2007

1. Teacher uses visual-aids to make learning:
(A) simple
(B) more knowledgeable
(C) quicker
(D) interesting
Correct Answer is D

2. The teacher’s role at the higher educational level is to:
(A) provide information to students
(B) promote self-learning in students
(C) encourage healthy competition among students
(D) help students to solve their personal problems
Correct Answer is B

3. Which one of the following teachers would you like the most:
(A) punctual
(B) having research aptitude
(C) loving and having high idealistic philosophy
(D) who often amuses his students
Correct Answer is B

4. Micro teaching is most effective for the student-teacher:
(A) during the practice-teaching
(B) after the practice-teaching
(C) before the practice-teaching
(D) none of the above
Correct Answer is A

5. Which is the least important factor in teaching?
(A) punishing the students
(B) maintaining discipline in the class
(C) lecturing in impressive way
(D) drawing sketches and diagrams on the black-board
Correct Answer is A

6. To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses:
(A) t test
(C) x2
(D) factorial analysis
Correct Answer is B

7. A research problem is feasible only when:
(A) it has utility and relevance
(B) it is researchable
(C) it is new and adds something to knowledge
(D) all the above
Correct Answer is D

8. Bibliography given in a research report:
(A) shows vast knowledge of the researcher
(B) helps those interested in further research
(C) has no relevance to research
(D) all the above
Correct Answer is A

9. Fundamental research reflects the ability to
(A) Synthesize new ideals
(B) Expound new principles
(C) Evaluate the existing material concerning research
(D) Study the existing literature regarding various topics
Correct Answer is B

10.The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as:
(A) Survey Research
(B) ‘Ex-post Facto’ Research
(C) Historical Research
(D) Summative Research
Correct Answer is B
Read the following passage and answer the questions 11 to 15 :

    All political systems need to mediate the relationship between private wealth and public power. Those that fail risk a dysfunctional government captured by wealthy interests. Corruption is one symptom of such failure with private willingness-to-pay trumping public goals. Private individuals and business firms pay to get routine services and to get to the head of the bureaucratic queue. They pay to limit their taxes, avoid costly regulations, obtain contracts at inflated prices and get concessions and privatised firms at low prices. If corruption is endemic, public officials - both bureaucrats and elected officials - may redesign programmes and propose public projects with few public benefits and many opportunities for private profit. Of course, corruption, in the sense of bribes, pay-offs and kickbacks, is only one type of government failure. Efforts to promote 'good governance' must be broader than anti-corruption campaigns. Governments may be honest but inefficient because no one has an incentive to work productively, and narrow elites may capture the state and exert excess influence on policy. Bribery may induce the lazy to work hard and permit those not in the inner circle of cronies to obtain benefits. However, even in such cases, corruption cannot be confined to 'functional' areas. It will be a temptation whenever private benefits are positive. It may be a reasonable response to a harsh reality but, over time, it can facilitate a spiral into an even worse situation.

11. The governments which fail to focus on the relationship between private wealth and public power are likely to become:
(A) Functional
(B) Dysfunctional
(C) Normal functioning
(D) Good governance
Correct Answer is B

12. One important symptom of bad governance is:
(A) Corruption
(B) High taxes
(C) Complicated rules and regulations
(D) High prices
Correct Answer is A

13. When corruption is rampant, public officials always aim at many opportunities for
(A) Public benefits
(B) Public profit
(C) Private profit
(D) Corporate gains
Correct Answer is C

14. Productivity linked incentives to public/private officials is one of the indicatives for:
(A) Efficient government
(B) Bad governance
(C) Inefficient government
(D) Corruption
Correct Answer is A

15. The spiralling corruption can only be contained by promoting:
(A) Private profit
(B) Anti-corruption campaign
(C) Good governance
(D) Pay-offs and kick backs
Correct Answer is C

16. Press Council of India is located at:
(A) Chennai
(B) Mumbai
(C) Kolkata
(D) Delhi
Correct Answer is D

17. Adjusting the photo for publication by cutting is technically known as:
(A) Photo cutting
(B) Photo bleeding
(C) Photo cropping
(D) Photo adjustment
Correct Answer is C

18. Feed-back of a message comes from:
(A) Satellite
(B) Media
(C) Audience
(D) Communicator
Correct Answer is C

19. Collection of information in advance before designing communication strategy is known as
(A) Feed-back
(B) Feed-forward
(C) Research study
(D) Opinion poll
Correct Answer is D

20. The aspect ratio of TV screen is:
(A) 4:3
(B) 4:2
(C) 3:5
(D) 2:3
Correct Answer is A

21. Which is the number that comes next in the sequence?
9, 8, 8, 8, 7, 8, 6, —

(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 4
Correct Answer is C

22. If in a certain language TRIVANDRUM is coded as 2 5 9 5 3 5 4 7 5 8, how would MADRAS be coded?
(A) 8 3 4 5 3 6
(B) 8 3 4 5 3 8
(C) 8 3 4 5 3 0
(D) 8 3 4 5 3 9
Correct Answer is A

23. The question to be answered by factorial analysis of the quantitative data does not explain one of the following
(A) Is ‘X’ related to ‘Y’ ?
(B) How is ‘X’ related to ‘Y’?
(C) How does ‘X’ affect the dependent variable ‘Y’ at different levels of another independent variable ‘K’ or ‘M’ ?
(D) How is ‘X’ by ‘K’ related to ‘M’?
Correct Answer is D

24. January 12, 1980 was Saturday, what day was January 12, 1979:
(A) Saturday
(B) Friday
(C) Sunday
(D) Thursday
Correct Answer is B

25. How many Mondays are there in a particular month of a particular year, if the month ends on Wednesday?
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer is A or B

26. From the given four statements, select the two which cannot be true but yet both can be false. Choose the right pair:
(i) All men are mortal
(ii) Some men are mortal
(iii) No man is mortal
(iv) Some men are not mortal

(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (iii) and (iv)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iv)
Correct Answer is D

27. A Syllogism must have:
(A) Three terms
(B) Four terms
(C) Six terms
(D) Five terms
Correct Answer is A

28. Copula is that part of proposition which denotes the relationship between:
(A) Subject and predicate
(B) Known and unknown
(C) Major premise and minor premise
(D) Subject and object
Correct Answer is A

29. “E” denotes:
(A) Universal Negative Proposition
(B) Particular Affirmative Proposition
(C) Universal Affirmative Proposition
(D) Particular Negative Proposition
Correct Answer is A

30. ‘A’ is the father of ‘C’, and ‘D’ is the son of ‘B’. ‘E’ is the brother of ‘A’. If ‘C’ is the sister of ‘D’, how is ‘B’ related to ‘E’ ?
(A) daughter
(B) husband
(C) sister - in - law
(D) brother - in - law
Correct Answer is C

31. Which of the following methods will you choose to prepare choropleth map of India showing urban density of population:
(A) Quartiles
(B) Quintiles
(C) Mean and SD
(D) Break - point
Correct Answer is A

32. Which of the following methods is best suited to show on a map the types of crops being grown in a region:
(A) Choropleth
(B) Chorochromatic
(C) Choroschematic
(D) Isopleth
Correct Answer is A

33. A ratio represents the relation between:
(A) Part and Part
(B) Part and Whole
(C) Whole and Whole
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer is D

34. Out of four numbers, the average of the first three numbers is thrice the fourth number. If the average of the four numbers is 5, the fourth number is:
(A) 4.5
(B) 5
(C) 2
(D) 4
Correct Answer is C

35. Circle graphs are used to show:
(A) How various sections share in the whole
(B) How various parts are related to the whole
(C) How one whole is related to other wholes
(D) How one part is related to other parts
Correct Answer is B

36. On the keyboard of computer each character has an “ASCII” value which stands for:
(A) American Stock Code for information Interchange
(B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(C) African Standard Code for Information Interchange
(D) Adaptable Standard Code for Information Change
Correct Answer is B

37. Which part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs calculation and makes decisions:
(A) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(B) Alternating Logic Unit
(C) Alternate Local Unit
(D) American Logic Unit
Correct Answer is A

38. “Dpi” stands for:
(A) Dots per inch
(B) Digits per unit
(C) Dots pixel inch
(D) Diagrams per inch
Correct Answer is A

39. The process of laying out a document with text, graphics, headlines and photographs is involved in
(A) Deck Top Publishing
(B) Desk Top Printing
(C) Desk Top Publishing
(D) Deck Top Printing
Correct Answer is C

40. Transfer of data from one application to another line is known as:
(A) Dynamic Disk Exchange
(B) Dodgy Data Exchange
(C) Dogmatic Data Exchange
(D) Dynamic Data Exchange
Correct Answer is D

41. Tsunami occurs due to:
(A) Mild earthquakes and landslides in the oceans
(B) Strong earthquakes and landslides in the oceans
(C) Strong earthquakes and landslides in mountains
(D) Strong earthquakes and landslides in deserts
Correct Answer is B

42. Which of the natural hazards have big effect on Indian people each year?
(A) Cyclones
(B) Floods
(C) Earthquakes
(D) Landslides
Correct Answer is B

43. Comparative Environment Impact Assessment study is to be conducted for:
(A) the whole year
(B) three seasons excluding monsoon
(C) any three seasons
(D) the worst season
Correct Answer is A

44. Sea level rise results primarily due to:
(A) Heavy rainfall
(B) Melting of glaciers
(C) Submarine volcanism
(D) Seafloor spreading
Correct Answer is B

45. The plume rise in a coal based power plant depends on:
(i) Buoyancy
(ii) Atmospheric stability
(iii) Momentum of exhaust gases
Identify the correct code

(A) (i) and (ii) only
(B) (ii) and (iii) only
(C) (i) and (iii) only
(D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Correct Answer is B

46. Value education makes a student:
(A) Good citizen
(B) Successful businessman
(C) Popular teacher
(D) Efficient manager
Correct Answer is A

47. Networking of libraries through electronic media is known as:
(A) Inflibnet
(B) Libinfnet
(C) Internet
Correct Answer is A

48. The University which telecasts interactive educational programmes through its own channel is
(A) B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad
(B) I.G.N.O.U.
(C) University of Pune
(D) Annamalai University
Correct Answer is B

49. The Government established the University Grants Commission by an Act of Parliament in the year:
(A) 1980
(B) 1948
(C) 1950
(D) 1956
Correct Answer is D

50. Universities having central campus for imparting education are called
(A) Central Universities
(B) Deemed Universities
(C) Residential Universities
(D) Open Universities
Correct Answer is A

प्राकृतिक आपदा से बचाव

Protection from natural disaster   Q. Which one of the following is appropriate for natural hazard mitigation? (A) International AI...